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Tulsi Leaves/T cut/Powder

Common Name: Basil, Sacred Basil, Holy Basil, Tulsi
Botanical Name: Ocimum Sanctum
Family: Lamiaceae
Plant Parts Used: Leaves, Seeds
Form: Leaves, Seeds, Whole plant, Oil
Color & Appearance: Nil

Product details - Tulsi Leaves

Adaptogenic Properties: Tulsi is classified as an adaptogen, which means it may help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. It is believed to have a balancing effect on the nervous and endocrine systems.

Immune System Support: Tulsi is known for its immunomodulatory properties, which may help enhance the immune systems response to infections and illnesses.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The leaves of Tulsi contain compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with various chronic conditions.

Antioxidant Activity: Tulsi is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which help protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants play a role in maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases.

Respiratory Health: Tulsi is often used to support respiratory health. It may help relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. The leaves are sometimes used to make herbal teas or infusions for respiratory support.

Anti-Microbial Properties: Tulsi has been studied for its potential antimicrobial properties. It may help combat various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Cardiovascular Health: Some research suggests that Tulsi may have cardiovascular benefits, including the potential to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These effects may contribute to heart health.

Stress Reduction: Tulsi is often recommended for its calming and stress-relieving properties. It may help reduce cortisol levels and promote a sense of relaxation.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Tulsi has been studied for its potential to regulate blood sugar levels. It may have a role in managing diabetes by supporting insulin sensitivity.

Digestive Health: Tulsi is traditionally used to support digestion. It may help alleviate digestive issues, including indigestion and bloating.

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