Product page


Blue Buterfly Pea Tea

Common Name: Blue Buterfly Pea Tea
Botanical Name: Nil
Benefits: Blue Buterfly Pea Tea : Rich in Antioxidants: Blue Butterfly Pea Tea is high in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.
Family: Nil
Plant Parts Used: Nil
Form: Nil
Color & Appearance: Nil

Product details - Blue Buterfly Pea Tea

Rich in Antioxidants: Blue Butterfly Pea Tea is high in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.

Cognitive Health: The tea is believed to support cognitive function and brain health, potentially enhancing memory and concentration.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Blue Butterfly Pea Tea contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Stress Reduction: The tea is known for its calming properties, which may help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Eye Health: Blue Butterfly Pea Tea is associated with promoting eye health due to its anthocyanin content, which may protect against age-related macular degeneration.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: It contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and iron, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Natural Diuretic: Blue Butterfly Pea Tea may act as a mild diuretic, promoting kidney function and assisting in the elimination of excess water and toxins from the body.

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