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Cassia auriculata (Aavaram poo) Tea

Common Name: Cassia auriculata (Aavaram poo) Tea
Botanical Name: Nil
Benefits: Cassia auriculata (Aavaram poo) Tea: Diuretic Properties: Aavaram poo tea is believed to have diuretic effects, promoting urine production and helping in the elimination of excess fluids and toxins from the body.
Family: Nil
Plant Parts Used: Nil
Form: Nil
Color & Appearance: Nil

Product details - Cassia auriculata (Aavaram poo) Tea

Diuretic Properties: Aavaram poo tea is believed to have diuretic effects, promoting urine production and helping in the elimination of excess fluids and toxins from the body.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest that Aavaram poo may have hypoglycemic properties, which could help regulate blood sugar levels and benefit individuals with diabetes.

Antioxidant Rich: Aavaram poo is rich in antioxidants, which can help neutralize free radicals in the body and protect cells from oxidative stress.

Skin Health: Aavaram poo is traditionally used in Ayurveda for its potential benefits for skin health. It is believed to have properties that may help improve complexion and promote healthy skin.

Liver Support: Aavaram poo is considered to have hepatoprotective properties, supporting the health of the liver and aiding in detoxification processes.

Digestive Health: Aavaram poo tea may assist in promoting healthy digestion and relieving constipation due to its mild laxative properties.

Anti-microbial Properties: Some studies suggest that Aavaram poo may have antimicrobial effects, potentially helping in the management of certain infections.

Rich in Nutrients: Aavaram poo is a source of various nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Menstrual Health: In traditional medicine, Aavaram poo is sometimes used to support menstrual health and alleviate menstrual-related issues.

Calming and Relaxing: Chamomile tea is well-known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it a popular choice for promoting better sleep and reducing stress and anxiety.

Digestive Aid: Chamomile can help soothe digestive issues, including indigestion and bloating, by relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anti-Inflammatory: Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the body, providing relief for conditions such as arthritis or minor skin irritations.

Immune System Support: The teas antioxidant content may contribute to a strengthened immune system, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.

Menstrual Pain Relief: Chamomile tea can help alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort due to its muscle-relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Skin Health: Topical application or consumption of chamomile tea may promote skin health, with potential benefits for conditions like eczema or dermatitis.

Respiratory Relief: Chamomiles anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties may offer relief from respiratory issues, such as cold symptoms and nasal congestion.

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