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Stevia leaf powder

Common Name: Stevia leaf powder
Botanical Name: Stevia rebaudiana
Family: Nil
Plant Parts Used: Leaves
Form: Powder
Color & Appearance: White Colored Powder
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Product details

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Stevia leaves powder is derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, known for its intense sweetness without the calories of sugar and several potential health benefits:

1. Natural Sweetener: Stevia leaves contain compounds called steviol glycosides, primarily stevioside and rebaudioside, which are incredibly sweet but calorie-free, making stevia a popular natural sugar substitute.

2. Blood Sugar Control: Despite being sweet, stevia does not affect blood sugar levels, making it suitable for people with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar.

3. Weight Management: As it has no calories, stevia can be part of a weight management plan by replacing sugar in foods and beverages, reducing overall calorie intake.

4. Dental Health: Stevia is non-cariogenic, meaning it doesnt contribute to tooth decay, making it a tooth-friendly alternative to sugar.

5. Antioxidant Properties: Some research suggests that stevia leaves may possess antioxidant properties, which help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

6. Blood Pressure Management: There is some evidence suggesting that stevia may help in lowering blood pressure, although more research is needed for confirmation.

7. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Compounds in stevia leaves might have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing inflammation in the body.

8. Digestive Health: Unlike sugar alcohols, stevia does not ferment in the gut, making it less likely to cause digestive issues like bloating or gas.

9. Skin Care: Stevia extracts are sometimes used in skincare products due to their potential antibacterial properties and benefits for certain skin conditions.

10. Natural and Zero Calories: Stevia is a natural sweetener that is significantly sweeter than sugar but contains zero calories.

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